
Best take out packaging ever

Best take out packaging ever


doug fir

doug fir


posting cuteness for no reason

posting cuteness for no reason

this was...

this was totally worth going to a baby shower for


another view from the mountain

another view from the mountain

view from the top of the mountain

view from the top of the mountain


the icu tree of e-collars

the icu tree of e-collars

xmas snowman

the amazing snowman that our neighbors slaved away on today. i'll have to take a series of photos to catalog its demise as the snow melts. but who knows when that will be, as in the 10 minutes since i took the picture it has started blizzarding again. guess i'll be leaving those snow chains on the van for now...


a casualty of the snow



more about the snow...

here's another cute photo of sage by the way. the snow just won't stop. i'm losing count of how long it's been (i think it started thursday night) but every time i look outside it's snowing again and it's even deeper. i just took sage on a winter hike - at least i'm getting to use my snowboarding gear in some way since there's no way i can make it up to the mountain! she had to walk behind me for most of the way in the trail i blazed for her because it was too deep.

both cats are enjoying watching the birdfeeders all day. i'm having to refill them daily because the birds are going crazy.

the table is a good indicator of how deep the snow is. also the bush on the left has disappeared.

so those new snow chains i bought are still in the van unused because i haven't attempted to take it anywhere. luckily i don't have to work until wednesday and maybe it will be a little better by then (but i doubt it). ODOT is now requiring chains on everything, even 4x4 or those with studded tires. this is the craziest snow here in 20 or 30 years and it's obvious because the city has practically shut down. yesterday i did venture out (with someone else driving me) and we passed a bus stuck in the snow, many skiing pedestrians, and hardly any other cars.

i did have an revelation after i watched the movie legend. obviously someone has killed a unicorn by taking its horn and now there is a deep freeze spell upon the earth. it makes total sense. i guess until tom cruise can find that fabulous golden armor dress and save us all, i'll just have to wait it out. i think it's time for some more baking...and sewing...and reading...and birdwatching. sidenote: i'm rereading the bell jar...not sure if that was the wisest choice since i was already going a little stir-crazy....

i'm going to post some more photos on flickr.

The unrelenting snow

The unrelenting snow